Erwin Halder KG

Erwin Halder KG

Flexibility, high precision and efficient production are the demands placed on us and our customers today in a complex and dynamic market.

With very high quality standards and a focus on the optimal use of its products, Halder is a reliable partner for meeting market requirements.

Over 80 years of experience, around 200 employees, modern machinery and an extensive product range form the basis for the rapid and competent execution of a wide range of customer requirements:

Workpiece clamping
Modular fixture systems and clamping devices for workpiece clamping

  • Grooving systems
  • Hole systems
  • Multiple clamping systems
  • Multi vises
  • Zero-point clamping systems (mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic)
  • Basic elements (cubes, angles, pallets, plates)

Standard parts
Over 12,000 standard parts according to DIN/ISO and company standards

  • Machine and fixture parts
  • Clamping elements
  • Operating parts
  • Machine elements

Hand tools
Aviation products

Your contact persons

Roland Helfenstein

Roland Helfenstein

Managing Director
(Owner / Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Raphael Bannwart

Raphael Bannwart

Sales Manager / Technical sales consultant
Milanko Radovic

Milanko Radovic

Technical sales consultant
Wolfgang Bentele

Wolfgang Bentele

Technical sales consultant
Baumaschinenmechaniker/inBrandingBranding Agentur LuzernChromstahlbeckenChromstahlpoolsCoverSeal - Schwimmbad Abdeckung CreanetFitLine Gelenkfit - Zur Pflege beanspruchter GelenkeFull Service Marketing Agentur Kommunikation & Design Küchenbau nach MassMauchle PoolPermanent Make Up - Augenbrauen Permanent Make Up - Lippen PflastersteinePhotovoltaikanlageShop - Produkteübersicht Solartechnik Schweiz Textilpflege, Hemden-Service, Chemische ReinigungTons AsiaUnternehmenskommunikation Verpackungsdesign LuzernWAB ZentralschweizWebdesign Luzern Sursee Zug ZürichWerbeagentur für Digital und Branding