Clamping technology and systems

Workpiece clamping is very demanding and is the crucial link between the machine and the workpiece.

We can apply our practical experience and that of our suppliers on a daily basis and thus offer you great benefits. We can offer you complete solutions in clamping technology from a single source. From simple clamping tasks to complete system solutions. We are happy to take on your clamping task. With our own production facilities, we can respond to your individual requirements.

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Our product areas

Clamping solutions that get you to your destination

Today, FN Niederhauser AG is known far beyond the country's borders and is valued both for its wide range of standard products and for its customized clamping solutions.

Ausbildungsangebot für Strassenbauer und TiefbaumitarbeiterBaumaschinenmechaniker/inBordsteineBranding Agentur LuzernCreanetEdelstahlbeckenEinbauschrank nach MassEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenHochwertige Produkte für Gesundheit, Fitness und SchönheitKüchenbau nach MassLeuchten und LeuchtsystemeMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungPermanent Make Up - Augenbrauen Permanent Make Up - Lippen PhotovoltaikanlagePrivate AussenpoolsRandabschlüsse Creabeton Plattenbeläge Betonplatten Creabeton Treppenstufen BlockstufenSEO Agentur LuzernShop - Produkteübersicht Solartechnik Schweiz VerpackungsdesignVinYara WeinshopWAB ZentralschweizWerbeagentur für Digital und BrandingWhirlpool, Physiotherm, Wellness