Founded in 1969 as a production partner for high-precision components for the aerospace industry, Witte is now one of the leading international developers and manufacturers of modular clamping, positioning and measuring devices as well as feeding systems.

The focus of the wide-ranging program is the development and manufacture of advanced workpiece clamping systems for universal applications. These patented solutions make Witte a leader in the field of "modular clamping systems" and "vacuum clamping technology".

The high quality level of all Witte products is proven by various certifications according to European standards. Qualified personnel and modern production facilities are further guarantees of quality. Whatever your requirements and individual tasks, Witte offers you the right technical and economical solution for:

  • Vacuum generation
  • Liquid separators
  • Vacuum clamping plates:
    VAC-Mat, grid vacuum plates, slotted vacuum plates, microporous vacuum plates,
    perforated grid vacuum clamping plates
  • Vilmill
  • FLIP-POD vacuum system
  • Metapor
  • Ice Vice (freeze clamping technology)
  • Weiguss casting clamping process
  • Vacu-Vice
  • Special solutions
  • Accessories, consumables

Your contact persons

Roland Helfenstein

Roland Helfenstein

Managing Director
(Owner / Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Raphael Bannwart

Raphael Bannwart

Sales Manager / Technical sales consultant
Milanko Radovic

Milanko Radovic

Technical sales consultant
Wolfgang Bentele

Wolfgang Bentele

Technical sales consultant
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