STARK - Zero point clamping systems

STARK - Zero point clamping systems

Clamping systems that revolutionize your processes - precise technologies from an experienced pioneer.

Since 1977, STARK clamping systems have stood for innovative components that are used wherever productive solutions and maximum precision are required. Our products guarantee efficient production worldwide with maximum process reliability and minimum set-up times. STARK clamping systems - simply more than clamping.

STARK zero-point clamping systems enable safe, precise clamping for a wide range of tasks such as turning and milling applications, direct workpiece clamping, modular construction kits with tower clamping and much more. They boost productivity, increase flexibility in production and optimize set-up times - precisely, repeatably and reliably. The wide-ranging portfolio of zero-point clamping systems for the metal and plastics processing industries is constantly being supplemented by customer-specific developments.

  • Stark classic NG
  • Stark classic
  • Stark balance
  • Stark basic
  • Stark easyclick
  • Stark airtec
  • Stark connect
  • Stark metec
  • Stark gripper
  • Stark intelligence

Your contact persons

Roland Helfenstein

Roland Helfenstein

Managing Director
(Owner / Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Raphael Bannwart

Raphael Bannwart

Sales Manager / Technical sales consultant
Milanko Radovic

Milanko Radovic

Technical sales consultant
Wolfgang Bentele

Wolfgang Bentele

Technical sales consultant
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