SMW-electronics - Wireless Technologies

By combining mechanics, electronics and software, SMW-Autoblok has transformed itself from a conventional clamping device manufacturer into a high-tech process provider. The product area of mechatronics, non-contact transmission technology, sensor technology and software has been further expanded and bundled in the new SMW-electronics business unit in order to generate further synergies.

The new SMW-electronics product area includes:
▪ Non-contact inductive energy and data transmission systems (inductive couplers)
▪ Smart sensors and measuring systems
▪ Mechatronic clamping systems
▪ Software
▪ Individual adaptations for customers

SMW-electronics' target markets include machine tools, automation and robotics, electric drive technology, automotive, intralogistics, construction machinery and agricultural technology, packaging machinery, energy (oil, gas, wind), aerospace and medical technology.

SMW-Autoblok - when it comes to future-oriented solutions, companies around the world rely on the technology and expertise of SMW-Autoblok Spannsysteme GmbH. The global manufacturer of clamping technology employs more than 300 people at its Meckenbeuren site and around 1000 employees worldwide. SMW-Autoblok is represented in over 60 countries, 17 of which have their own subsidiaries.

SMW-Autoblok has transformed itself from a conventional clamping device manufacturer to a high-tech process provider by combining mechanics, electronics and software. The SMW-electronics business unit was founded to bundle these production competencies and create future-oriented synergies. The business activities of SMW-electronics are products for the automation and digitalization of processes. The core technology fields of inductive couplers (contactless inductive energy and data transmission systems), smart sensors, software and mechatronics are bundled in the new company SMW-electronics.

SMW-electronics offers solutions for machine tools, automation and robotics, electric drive technology, automotive, intralogistics, construction machinery and agricultural technology, packaging machines, energy (oil, gas, wind), aerospace and medical technology, among others.


Your contact persons

Roland Helfenstein

Roland Helfenstein

Managing Director
(Owner / Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Raphael Bannwart

Raphael Bannwart

Sales Manager / Technical sales consultant
Milanko Radovic

Milanko Radovic

Technical sales consultant
Wolfgang Bentele

Wolfgang Bentele

Technical sales consultant
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