HILMA workpiece clamping technology - for high-quality and precise production on machining centers.

These products are available from HILMA. Machine vices with manual or hydraulic operation, jaw width 100-160 mm, clamping force 25-50 kN, clamping range 0-772 mm. The vices are available in various designs, including fixed jaw vices, centric vices, compensating vices, double vices and tower clamping systems. There is an extensive range of jaws and accessories for the clamps. This enables us to fully equip vertical / horizontal and 5-ACHS machining centers.

The right product for every application:

  • HILMA.ASH automation clamping system
  • HILMA.UC 5-axis clamping system
  • Workpiece clamping systems EL, NC, KNC, NC-H, VL
  • Double clamping systems DS
  • Double clamping systems DUO
  • Multiple clamping systems MSH
  • Workpiece clamping systems PC 80, MC-P, SCS, MC-P Balance
  • Tower clamping systems TS, TS-TriStar, SCT
  • Jaw boxes KK
  • Accessories

Your contact persons

Roland Helfenstein

Roland Helfenstein

Managing Director
(Owner / Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Raphael Bannwart

Raphael Bannwart

Sales Manager / Technical sales consultant
Milanko Radovic

Milanko Radovic

Technical sales consultant
Wolfgang Bentele

Wolfgang Bentele

Technical sales consultant
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