Our core businesses

We can offer you complete solutions in clamping technology from a single source.

If you cannot find the right product or solution for you, please do not hesitate to contact us. With our own production facilities, we can respond to your individual requirements.


We represent well-known manufacturers in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Companies such as SMW-AUTOBLOK GmbH, the ROEMHELD Group (Römheld / Hilma / Stark), Flaig magnetic systems, Erwin Halder KG, Mytec GmbH, Witte Barskamp KG, PML pneumatic chucks and Schaublin collets are represented in our company.

SMW-AUTOBLOK is one of the world's leading manufacturers of clamping systems for rotary machining in turning and grinding on machine tools, with state-of-the-art production facilities in Meckenbeuren/Germany and Caprie/Italy. Römheld, Hilma and Stark - the three brands of the ROEMHELD Group are among the global market leaders for productive solutions in industrial production technology, assembly technology, clamping technology and drive technology. With our mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electric clamping elements, we make your production more efficient and flexible.

Bild Handel
Picture own products

Own products

Versions from standard to complete special collet chucks.

We are manufacturers of collet chucks in various designs from standard to complete special collet chucks. These collet chucks are developed in our company and also manufactured in our production facility.

We offer these clamping systems with manual, pneumatic or power-operated actuation. The collet chucks can be used rotating and stationary. Our latest development is collet chucks with stroke adjustment. With the collet chuck types FNO-K, FNP-KAH and FNF-KAH, preferably thin-walled or form-fitting workpieces such as rings, washers, sleeves, eccentrics, etc. can be clamped without deformation and with process reliability thanks to the mechanical stroke adjustment.

Custom-made products

Complete solutions in clamping technology from a single source.

Thanks to our very broad product portfolio from our suppliers, our own products and our own production, we are able to offer complete solutions in clamping technology from a single source. With our own design and production facilities and professional machinery, we can offer you part-specific pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanical clamping fixtures. Our strengths also include the production of operating equipment, which is why we produce special clamping jaws and auxiliary devices. These fixtures can be integrated with a zero-point clamping system or vice systems with special jaws. Attachments and special clamping devices for chucks on lathes and grinding machines are part of our core competence.

Custom-made products

Some application examples

Ausbildungsangebot für Strassenbauer und TiefbaumitarbeiterBaumaschinenmechaniker/inBordsteineBranding Agentur LuzernCreanetEdelstahlbeckenEinbauschrank nach MassEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenHochwertige Produkte für Gesundheit, Fitness und SchönheitKüchenbau nach MassLeuchten und LeuchtsystemeMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungPermanent Make Up - Augenbrauen Permanent Make Up - Lippen PhotovoltaikanlagePrivate AussenpoolsRandabschlüsse Creabeton Plattenbeläge Betonplatten Creabeton Treppenstufen BlockstufenSEO Agentur LuzernShop - Produkteübersicht Solartechnik Schweiz VerpackungsdesignVinYara WeinshopWAB ZentralschweizWerbeagentur für Digital und BrandingWhirlpool, Physiotherm, Wellness