
We represent well-known manufacturers in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Companies such as SMW-AUTOBLOK GmbH, the ROEMHELD Group (Römheld / Hilma / Stark), Flaig magnetic systems, Erwin Halder KG, Mytec GmbH, Witte Barskamp KG, PML pneumatic chucks and Schaublin collets are represented in our company.


SMW Autoblok

SMW Autoblok is a globally operating group of companies in the field of workpiece clamping technology with state-of-the-art production facilities in Meckenbeuren/Germany and Caprie/Italy. The global clamping technology expert supplies turnkey clamping systems for the machine tool, automotive, energy, aviation and general mechanical engineering industries. Customers can rely on a complete product portfolio of clamping systems for turning and grinding technology as well as stationary clamping technology. Whether quick-change jaw chucks, diaphragm chucks, self-centering steady rests, center clamps or zero-point clamping systems, SMW-Autoblok offers its customers the right clamping device for every application. Innovative, customer-oriented product development and first-class service worldwide are key factors in SMW-AUTOBLOK's success.


Roemheld Group

Römheld, Hilma and Stark - the three brands of the ROEMHELD Group are among the global market leaders for productive solutions in industrial production technology, assembly technology, clamping technology and drive technology. With our mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electric clamping elements, we make your production more efficient and flexible.


Flaig Magnetsysteme GmbH & Co. KG

With Flaig, we have a very strong partner in the field of magnetic clamping technology. The complete range includes lifting magnets, magnetic plates, round magnetic chucks and magnetic aids.

The FXL square pole technology is the product of over 20 years of experience in magnetic clamping technology and combines solutions for the most common customer requirements in the highest quality design. Magnetic poles, powered by Alnico and NDFeB magnets, are anchored in a solid, super-rigid monoblock body using a tool steel insert with an MS internal thread. The back of the clamping plate remains flat and can be drilled at all points - for example, to insert a zero-point clamping system.


Erwin Halder KG

Erwin Halder KG was founded in 1938 and has been a family-run, medium-sized and internationally successful company with around 220 employees based in Bronnen near Laupheim, Germany, for three generations. The product range comprises around 12,000 different standard parts in the areas of machine and fixture parts, clamping devices, operating parts and machine elements.

The solution to a "clamping problem" is the basis for optimum and efficient production. Our standard solutions in the field of workpiece clamping technology, such as fixture systems, multi-vices, zero-point clamping systems and multiple clamping systems, enable fast and secure clamping of almost all workpieces.



Schaublin clamping system and clamping tools: Schaublin collets have been packaged in orange boxes for more than 40 years. This unmistakable symbol is known worldwide for the highest quality. To guarantee the quality of our FN collet chucks, we rely exclusively on high-quality collets from Schaublin.



Founded in 1969 as a production partner for high-precision components for the aerospace industry, Witte is now one of the leading international developers and manufacturers of modular clamping, positioning and measuring equipment as well as feeding systems. With the ALUFIX modular clamping system and the versatile vacuum clamping systems, we are regarded as the global market leader. Vacuum clamping technology from Witte holds even highly sensitive materials and complex-shaped workpieces with absolute reliability. For processing and measuring tasks of a special kind. For users with high quality standards. Almost all major companies in the automotive and aerospace industries rely on Witte products and application solutions. In addition, there is a wide range of applications, including in measurement and medical technology and in all industries in which dimensional quality monitoring, efficiency and precision play decisive roles.


Mytec - Hydraclamp

Mytec-Hydraclamp - develops and manufactures high-precision clamping tools for workpiece and tool clamping. Mytec has been supplying hydraulic expansion tools to the automotive and aircraft industries and their suppliers for over 30 years. Mytec is the pioneer of seal-less connection technology for hydraulic expansion tools. With innovative technologies, modern production techniques, qualified employees and a high level of vertical integration, Mytec achieves maximum functionality over the entire service life of the product, while unrestricted user orientation and leading technical solutions are the basis for high customer satisfaction.

Ausbildungsangebot für Strassenbauer und TiefbaumitarbeiterBaumaschinenmechaniker/inBordsteineBranding Agentur LuzernCreanetEdelstahlbeckenEinbauschrank nach MassEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenHochwertige Produkte für Gesundheit, Fitness und SchönheitKüchenbau nach MassLeuchten und LeuchtsystemeMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungPermanent Make Up - Augenbrauen Permanent Make Up - Lippen PhotovoltaikanlagePrivate AussenpoolsRandabschlüsse Creabeton Plattenbeläge Betonplatten Creabeton Treppenstufen BlockstufenSEO Agentur LuzernShop - Produkteübersicht Solartechnik Schweiz VerpackungsdesignVinYara WeinshopWAB ZentralschweizWerbeagentur für Digital und BrandingWhirlpool, Physiotherm, Wellness